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Medical Education and Resources

Committed to expert healthcare for women of all ages

These are websites with reliable medical information. We encourage you to use these sites to learn more about your health:

General Medical including Women's Health

American Diabetes Association Visit this website

American Heart Association Visit this website

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Visit this website

Food & Drug Administration (FDA) Visit this website

Health Finder Visit this website

Mayo Clinic Visit this website

Web MD Visit this website

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Health Info Visit this website

E-medicine Health Visit this website

Women's Heatlh

Gardasil Vaccine Info Visit this website

National Women's Heatlh Information Center Visit this website

National Osteoporosis Foundation Visit this website


Pregnancy Visit this website

Baby Center Visit this website

American Pregnancy Association Visit this website

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

American Social Heatlh Association Visit this website

STD Information and Treatment Guidelines Visit this website

Diet, Nutrition & Exercise

American Dietetic Association Visit this website

"Choose to Move" - 12-week Exercise Program Visit this website

Nutrition Explorations Visit this website

Food Pyramid-eating plans, interactive tools Visit this website

Alternative Medicine

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Visit this website

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